5 Benefits of Renovating Your Lobby and Reception

Say goodbye to a dull space with a lack of potential and step into the modern world of hotel lobby fit-outs. Lobbies are the newfound heart of a business’s property, with organisations now looking to make their brand stand out by using the lobby to add to the brand’s perception and awareness. 

The potential of a well-crafted lobby fit-out and renovation is huge and can significantly impact a consumer’s experience with the business from start to finish. Your hotel lobby is the first introduction to your business, it’s your chance to give the best first impression and even transform the feel of a whole building.

Five Benefits Of Improving Your Lobby With A Refurbishment

Hotel Renovation Can Maximise Your Functionality 

The world really is your oyster. The design and management of a lobby fit-out provides unique opportunities for organisations to fully customise its functionality to suit business needs. Add value to clients, customers, and staff’s lives by adding that extra touch to a space that was previously ignored. Think tech? Think style? Think social? Think of your consumers! 

Increase Revenue 

Remember that the lobby represents the company. Creating a sense of luxury, excitement and exclusivity within the lobby can attract more high-paying clients and give the business a sense of high establishment which may just secure that big deal. Besides this, the lobby can become home to additional services like bars and cafes which can provide additional income streams.

Improve Customer Satisfaction 

First impressions are everything, right? A lobby renovation provides your company with the best possible chance to be immediately perceived in the best light. If the lobby looks unloved, then expect these attributes to tie in with the rest of the business and its products and services. Academic results have proven that atmospheric elements within a lobby have a highly significant effect on guests’ satisfaction.

Encourage Property Value Growth

Whether for lease or for sale, a hotel lobby fit-out can increase the value of the property and can certainly attract more interest. Build smart, maintain well, and appeal to the premium. Then higher sales prices or lease rates are sure to follow. The best lobbies can influence occupancy rates, making the rental of a building more competitive which in turn drives up the price. 

Own Your Brand

If you want your brand to be represented to the highest standards then the look of your lobby must follow. Make your brand appear welcoming and attractive not only to your network but to every member of the public that walks past. To attain positive connotations to your brand, a strong aesthetic appeal is vital, especially amongst locals in which your lobby will be your first introduction. 

Your lobby should mirror your brand, its industry and its attributes; add value to your brand and represent it in the best way possible. Lobby renovations and fit out’s are high on the cards for thriving organisations across the country, its tangible and intangible benefits alike will encourage a wave of businesses to move this fit-out to the top of their construction list.


In conclusion, the fit-out or refurbishment of a hotel lobby is a transformative investment that can elevate the overall guest experience and set a property apart from its competitors. The lobby serves as the gateway to the hotel, leaving a lasting first impression on visitors. By creating a welcoming and visually appealing space, hotel owners can create a sense of arrival and set the tone for a memorable stay.

For an example of an exquisite lobby fit out, check out our work at Bloc Manchester: https://taknox.co.uk/projects/bloc-manchester/

Why Should You Renovate Your Hotel Bedrooms?

Complete fit outs or hotel room renovation is a crucial aspect of maintaining a competitive edge in the hospitality industry. A well-designed and renovated room can significantly impact a property’s reputation, attracting new customers, driving revenue, and solidifying its position as a preferred choice in an increasingly competitive market. In this era of ever-changing consumer preferences, investing in the fit-out or hotel room renovation is not just a wise business decision but an essential strategy to thrive and flourish in the dynamic world of hospitality.

Improved Guest Experience With Room Renovation

The primary reason to renovate or fit out hotel bedrooms is to improve the guest experience. A well-designed and renovated room can create a sense of comfort and luxury, making guests feel more relaxed and content during their stay.  

Attract More Guests With Hotel Renovation

Renovated hotel rooms are more attractive to potential guests. People are often willing to pay more for updated and stylish accommodations, so investing in room renovation can lead to an increase in bookings and occupancy rates. Beyond just providing a place to sleep, modern travellers seek immersive and memorable experiences during their stays and a newly fit-out room will certainly be much more lucrative to your potential guests. 

Stay Ahead of Competition

In a competitive hotel market, room renovations and new fit outs can help a property stand out from the competition. Upgraded rooms and amenities can set a hotel apart from others in the area and give it a unique selling point.





Increase Revenue

Renovations can lead to an increase in revenue per available room (RevPAR). This is because guests are willing to pay more for nicer rooms and accommodations, resulting in higher room rates and more revenue for the hotel.

Reduce Maintenance Costs With Hotel Room Renovation

Fit-out and hotel renovations can help reduce long-term maintenance costs. By upgrading amenities and fixtures, hotels can avoid frequent repairs and replacements, resulting in long-term savings.

Sustainable Practices

Hotel room renovations can include eco-friendly features such as energy-efficient lighting and appliances, which can reduce the hotel’s carbon footprint and save money on utility bills over time.

In Summary

As the travel landscape evolves and customer expectations continue to rise, it is essential for hotel owners and operators to invest in the periodic renovation and enhancement of their accommodation offerings. By refurbishing hotel bedrooms, establishments can create inviting spaces that cater to the discerning needs of guests, ensuring their comfort, satisfaction, and ultimately, their loyalty.

If you wish to see some of the hotel renovations and fit-outs, visit our Hotel projects. You can see some of our best-completed projects such as Amano Hotel, De Vere Hotel, Ibis, Champneys and more. 

If you would like your hotel renovated, you can get in touch with us through the contact us page and a member of our team will contact you about your enquiry.